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Entdecke Europa - Europäische Jugendtreffen

Unter der gemeinsamen Schirmherrschaft des Europarates, der Europäischen Kommission, des Europäischen Parlamentes und der Europäischen Kultur Stiftung

Die GewinnerInnen einer Reise zu einem internationalen Jugendtreffen gehören zu jenen 500 glücklichen jungen EuropäerInnen, die aus über 500.000 TeilnehmerInnen des Wettbewerbes "Europe at school" ausgewählt wurden!

Die Teilnahme an den Jugendtreffen ermöglicht:

  • Die Begegnung mit jungen Menschen aus ganz Europa
  • Kennen lernen anderer europäischer Länder und Kulturen
  • Gemeinsames Arbeiten an interessanten aktuellen Themen - interkulturelles Lernen
  • Besseres Verständnis der Rolle der europäischen Institutionen
  • Gemeinsames kreatives Gestalten

Jedes Jahr finden rund 15 Jugendtreffen in ganz Europa statt. Ein erfahrenes Betreuungsteam organisiert das Treffen und gestaltet das Programm. Neben Workshops und Kreativseminaren ist aber auch genug Freiraum für Freizeitgestaltung, Sight seeing, Exkursionen etc.

Die TeilnehmerInnen erzählen jedes Jahr aufs Neue begeistert von ihren Erfahrungen, Teil einer europäischen Gruppe zu sein, "Europa zu leben" und voneinander zu lernen.

Im Anschluss findet Ihr einige Reisebeschreibungen von TeilnehmerInnen von Jugendtreffen:

Martin Fitz (Österreich), Jugendtreffen in Munsbach, Luxemburg 2001:
Ich muss sagen, die Woche in Luxemburg war genial! Ich habe lauter sehr nette Jugendliche aus ganz Europa kennen gelernt. Das Konzept der einwöchigen Veranstaltung ist meiner Meinung nach voll aufgegangen: nämlich unzertrennbare geistige und emotionelle Bande zu knüpfen zwischen Menschen verschiedener Länder und Sitten. Innerhalb von nur einer Woche hat sich zwischen den rund 20 TeilnehmerInnen und 3 Leitern eine Spitzen-Community gebildet, obwohl sich am Anfang alle total fremd waren. In zahlreichen Diskussionen und Workshops behandelten wir eine Menge aktueller politischer und gesellschaftlicher Themen und entdeckten sowohl kulturelle Gemeinsamkeiten als auch Unterschiede, die aber absolut kein Problem darstellten. Im Gegenteil: Jeder Teilnehmer profitierte riesig von dem bunten Pool an verschiedenen Verhaltensmöglichkeiten und Sichtweisen. Falls die Studenten der folgenden Meisterklassen wieder mal Gelegenheit haben sollten, an so einem EU - Treffen (inkl. Anwärterstaaten) teilzunehmen, kann ich ihnen diese Veranstaltung nur heiß empfehlen!

Veronika Bozsits (Ungarn), Jugendtreffen in Altenmarkt, Österreich 2000:
A gathering for European citizens
To tell the truth I started off this journey with fear because I thought that it would be very serious and exhausting, especially because I am afraid of talking in front of an audience. But I was pleasantly surprised and I returned home with experiences and happy memories. First of all the whole team - the teamers and the participants - was very open-minded and friendly from the start and they made me forget about my doubts and fears. I think this is what this gathering was all about: helping and getting to know each other regardless of our age or nationality. I had to appear in front of the whole group already on the first day but it was no problem for me anymore because I had realized the day before that they would listen to me curiously and not waiting for me to make a mistake. We had such a good community that we could understand each other without speaking languages. Some of us had difficulties in speaking English so we even communicated with gestures and signs. But at least it was funny and it forced us to get closer to each other. Secondly I liked the programmes, all of them were exciting and interesting. I liked that exercise very much when we had to create a typical European citizen and we had to find out what his dreams, ambitions and fears were and what he liked or disliked. We started working in small groups, then we drew a manshape and everybody could fill it in. In the end we discussed it and some of the thoughts surprised me very much. I had to discover that we think in a different way although we are at the same age and all of us live in Europe. ...

It was a wonderful gathering and I will remember it all my life - but I am looking forward to take part in another one next year! Lucian Fazekas (Belgien); Jugendtreffen in Wilhelminaoord, Niederlande 2001 Happy participants - this is a warning to those who are reading these sentences right now: you cannot imagine how lucky you are! This week had been an extraordinary experience for me and a unforgettable souvenir. I hope it will be the same for you. ...Well this week was really great, the team members were really cool ... finally I would like to tell you more about the last evening which was the most special and unforgettable to me. For the goodbye-evening each participant had to prepare a special dish from his/her country and present it. ...And the results of the four workshops of the day were presented too: we were divided in four groups with different activities such as the creation of an Internet site, some artistic creations with a kind of magnificent burned face, a representation of a choreographical dance on a music of shaggy and finally a really funny drama which recalled the most funniest moments of the week.

Friendships have been created, a real European brotherhood took place. After a great week it was really hard to leave each other and believe it or not it was very hard to say goodbye. ...Well, I really have to leave you now, I have some letters to write to Melanie, Pepe, Anika, Javier, Peter, Olga, Erik .... All of them!
